Bridge Shelter Success: Derek’s Story

Derek was homeless for three years on the streets of Costa Mesa until he recently made a choice to move into the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter to find daily stability, including food, shower and form a plan to end his homelessness.
City outreach and Bridge Shelter staff worked together and helped Derek realize he needed to live in a place with a lower cost of living. Derek left the Bridge Shelter but continued to work with the outreach team to explore housing options.
With help, Derek made a list of people and places that he felt were good options. He began calling those places and friends to see if anyone had a room to rent that he could move into.
A secure home was found and the paperwork was completed for him to be reconnected to a friend in Wisconsin. Recently Derek called while he was on his way to his new home to say thank you for helping him realize he could not keep living check to check in California.
He is happy to be able to live in a state that he can afford, while having his daily needs met.
The city thanks Trellis for funding Derek’s bus ride to his new home and also taking him to the bus depot and seeing him off with a lunch and support.
Through collaborative efforts like these, the Costa Mesa Bridge Shelter has successfully facilitated a new lease on life for several clients in a short period of time.