Costa Mesa receives trailers from state to use if needed during COVID-19 crisis

Because Costa Mesa operates an emergency shelter that assists those experiencing homelessness, we requested 10 trailers from the State of California out of abundance of caution and as a preventative measure among our most vulnerable homeless population.

Those trailers arrived today. They will be housed in a section of the OC Fair & Event Center’s parking lot.

Costa Mesa remains proactive in its planning efforts for COVID 19 impacts, and we thank the fairgrounds for their partnership to place the trailers there.

Costa Mesa and its partners will support any homeless persons placed there with daily supportive services, meals and transportation to ensure minimal impacts to the surrounding areas of the fairgrounds.

Public urged to stay vigilant, stay away from parks and stay home on Easter Sunday

This Easter Sunday, as tempting as it may be to gather together with family, friends and the faith-based community in parks or churches, individuals need to remain strong in the commitment to #CrushCovid.

Costa Mesa parks remain closed and it’s imperative that we continue to be vigilant in our efforts to #flattenthecurve and stay home.

Remember, the Governor’s order regarding gatherings makes no exceptions for churches or holiday gatherings and everybody is strongly encouraged to stay home as much as possible.

We encourage you to stay connected and involved with your church for Easter Sunday options. Many churches have adapted to the COVID 19 situation and have moved their services online. Check with your local church and see what online options they are offering in place of in-person services.

Remember that we are all in this together! Let’s stay home and get creative with home activities for the entire family. Look online for virtual egg hunts, social distancing and remember to connect with your family, friends and loved ones safely from 6-feet away or through a video app or traditional phone call.

Also, if you go out to pick-up Easter takeout meals or other items please wear a face covering or mask.



County expands the guidance on face coverings to essential workers and all essential activities outside the home

County of Orange Health Officer Dr. Nichole Quick today issued a recommendation strongly encouraging all employees at essential businesses to wear a face covering while at work and all residents engaged in essential activities outside the home to do the same.

The recommendation is in line with guidance issued by the California Department of Public Health on April 1, and is intended to help slow the spread of COVID-19 by those who are asymptomatic.

“Residents can make their own face coverings at home from a variety of materials and should refrain from purchasing personal protective equipment that is critical and in short supply for our healthcare workers, such as N95 and surgical masks,” said Dr. Quick.

A face covering is material that covers the nose and mouth. It can be secured to the head with ties or straps, or simply wrapped around the lower face. Face coverings may be factory-made, as well as folded or sewn, and can be improvised using household items like scarfs, T-shirts, sweatshirts or towels.

“Face coverings are an additional tool that may help protect staff and patrons from COVID-19, but they are not a substitute for proven protective measures like frequent hand washing, keeping your hands away from your face, practicing social distancing and staying home,” said Dr. Quick.

In addition, effective immediately, all essential businesses as identified by the State of California (list available at should maintain a healthy work environment as recommended by CDC’s Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) at

Sandbags available at City Hall as late season storm approaches

As an early spring rain storm approaches Costa Mesa and the region, the city’s maintenance service crews have made sandbags available at City Hall.

Sand bags are available for free to Costa Mesa residents in the southeast corner of the City Hall parking lot at 77 Fair Drive. The location is self-service and bringing your own shovel is suggested as supplies could be limited. The number of sandbags is limited to 15 sandbags per household. No commercial use please.

Additionally, the city crews will patrol potential flooding spots to make sure catch basins are clear of debris and operational. Crews are also ready to respond to other weather-related incidents.

Please report flooding issues to 714-754-5250.

Costa Mesa to follow County, State and Federal guidelines for wearing face coverings in public

The County of Orange announced it will follow recent guidance posted by the California Department of Public Health states Californians who must leave their homes to conduct essential activities should wear face coverings, if they feel comfortable doing so, and practice strict hand washing before and after touching and adjusting the covering.

Utilizing face coverings can help reduce infectious particles from those who could be infected, but are asymptomatic. It is not recommended for residents to use N-95 or surgical masks, which should be reserved for healthcare workers and first responders.

“Wearing a cloth face covering when leaving the house for essential activities may help reduce the spread of COVID-19 by residents who are positive but don’t have any symptoms,” said Dr. Nichole Quick, County Health Officer. “However, it’s important for community members to remember that face coverings are not a replacement for prevention measures like social distancing and frequent hand washing, which continue to be the best way to protect yourself.”

The best defense against COVID-19 is:

  • Staying at home and physical distancing
  • Washing hands frequently
  • Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Avoiding being around sick people
  • Staying home if you’re sick

The CDPH defines face coverings as material such as cotton, silk or linen that covers the mouth and nose. Coverings can be homemade or improvised from everyday items such as scarfs, bandanas, T-shirts, sweatshirts or towels. For more information visit

Costa Mesa issues Eviction Moratorium for Tenants Affected By COVID-19

On April 1, 2020 City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison, acting as the Director of Emergency Services, issued an emergency regulation that temporary halts rental evictions for residential and commercial tenants affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has had significant economic impacts and has caused unanticipated hardships for our residents and businesses,” Farrell Harrison said. “This Regulation will avoid the displacement of residential and commercial tenants.”

On March 17, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order that authorized cities to prohibit the evictions of residential and commercial tenants experiencing significant financial impacts as a result of the COVID-19 crisis. On March 27, 2020, Governor Newsom issued a further executive order restricting residential evictions. However, the City believes that stronger protections are necessary for residential tenants and for commercial tenants in the City of Costa Mesa.

The emergency regulation is intended to use the authority granted by the Governor’s executive order to provide maximum protection to all tenants in Costa Mesa. The temporary eviction moratorium protects residential or commercial tenants who are unable to pay part or all of their rent due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Regulation took effect on April 1, 2020 and will remain in effect until May 31, 2020, including any extensions of the Governor’s executive order.

Under the moratorium, landlords are prohibited from initiating proceedings or otherwise taking steps to evict a tenant for non-payment of rent from any residential or commercial unit within the City of Costa Mesa.
If a tenant is unable to pay rent, the tenant must demonstrate their inability to make rent payment due to substantial financial impacts caused by COVID-19.

The tenant must notify the landlord in writing, within 30 days after rent is due, of the substantial COVID-19 related financial impacts and provide documentation of decreased income or increased medical expenses due to COVID-19.

Landlords are prohibited from evicting residential and commercial tenants for non-payment during the term of the State’s declared emergency and allows tenants 120 days after the end of the emergency to pay back rent.
Landlords are encouraged to reach out to their tenants proactively to open a dialogue regarding rental issues during these difficult times

For more information on the City’s eviction moratorium, please visit

Costa Mesa prepares for anticipated surge of COVID-19 patients in Orange County

COSTA MESA, CA — As the number of coronavirus cases rises sharply, the City of Costa Mesa continues its pro-active approach to the COVID-19 crisis and is actively working with local, state and federal officials to prepare for a projected surge in cases that could overwhelm local hospitals.

Governor Newsom announced this week that California will need as many as 50,000 additional hospital beds to address the anticipated rise in COVID-19 cases and is assessing all surplus properties throughout the state to make sure all resources are deployed to handle the surge.

Nationwide, 30 sites are being evaluated to address the need for additional hospital beds and in California, eight to 10 sites are being considered, including all state  surplus properties, which in Costa Mesa includes Fairview Developmental Center and the OC Fairgrounds.

“Much has changed since the Fairview Developmental Center was being considered as a site for COVID-19 patients several weeks ago,” City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison said. “The federal, state, and local governments are now all actively engaged on the COVID-19 response in a coordinated, collaborative effort.  We are in constant communication with all levels of government, including federal and state agencies, who have taken the lead. With the rise in COVID-19 cases in Orange County to 431 with 4 deaths, most from community transmission, it is imperative that we have the resources to care for those needing medical treatment, including our loved ones.  No one is immune from this disease.”

Many communities throughout California and the nation are getting prepared for the surge, including an evaluation of multiple sites located in Orange County. Governor Newsom also requested that the Department of Defense deploy the U.S. Navy’s Mercy ship, a Naval hospital with 1,000 beds, to assist with this effort, now docked at the Port of Los Angeles. Other once-shuttered hospitals are also now being assessed for re-opening and officials are preparing the Los Angeles Convention Center for potential use to house patients as part of the planning for needed medical surge capacity in the region.

City leaders have learned that the Army Corps of Engineers is assessing both Fairview and the Fairgrounds to determine how to best plan for the expected medical surge as well.

Mayor Katrina Foley has maintained constant contact with local, state and federal officials, while working closely with mayors both locally and nationally to respond effectively to this public health emergency.  In a sense of urgency, Mayor Foley urged residents to heed the message:

“Our early preparations and planning now will ensure that we save more lives and provide better care for patients in Costa Mesa and across Orange County if our hospitals fill up,” Mayor Foley said. “But you can help by staying home except for essential activities. We are all in with our county, state and federal partners to limit the chaos and lack of beds we see in other states and countries.”

Costa Mesa has been ahead of the curve in responding to this crisis from the beginning.

  • Friday Feb. 28 — Federal Government Abandons Plans to Use Fairview For Diamond Princess COVID-19 Positive Passengers.
  • March 12, 2020 — Costa Mesa becomes first City in the county to declare an emergency.
  • March 13, 2020 — The City implemented protective measures including outright ban of large gatherings, cancellation of all special events, cancellation of youth sports, adult recreation classes, closed the senior center to only essential meal provisions, and transitioned to teleconferencing for City Council meetings. Cancellation of city committee meetings, more frequent disinfecting of city facilities and apparatus.
  • March 16, 2020 — City Hall and other City facilities have been closed to the public and City employees are telecommuting where possible and staying at home.
  • March 17, 2020 — The City orders closures of fitness clubs, theaters and limited restaurants to take out or delivery only.
  • March 23, 2020 — The City ordered the closure of all city parks and the public golf course closes Council meeting to the public.

These actions serve to protect the Costa Mesa community from intensifying the community spread of COVID -19. City officials are working together with all levels of government to be ready and well prepared to respond to this crisis and make necessary decisions to slow the spread of COVID-19.

For more information, please follow the city on social media and visit our website at

City orders the full closure of all City parks and the public golf course

In an effort to minimize the spread of COVID-19, the City of Costa Mesa has taken another bold step and closed all City parks and the Costa Mesa Country Club, the city-owned public golf course, effective midnight March 24 until further notice.

The City is taking this action to ensure appropriate social distancing and reduce places of gathering. The park closures will include parking lots, park restrooms, playgrounds, athletic facilities and walking trails.

The parks closures follow a number of facilities and city parks programs that have already been closed out of the abundance of caution as the public is urged to stay home to slow the spread of COVID-19 and help flatten the curve.

“If you think you’re doing too much, you’re probably doing the right thing,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

Costa Mesa City Council Chambers closed to public until further notice

In order to minimize the spread of the COVID-19 virus, Governor Newsom has issued Executive Orders that temporarily suspend requirements of the Brown Act and as such, the Costa Mesa City Council Chambers will be closed to the public for meetings of both the City Council and Planning Commission effective immediately and until further notice.

Some, or all, of the Costa Mesa City Council and Planning Commission Members may attend this meeting telephonically. There is no public presence allowed at the meetings except for applicants who are not able to make presentations remotely.

Members of the public are strongly encouraged to observe the City Council meetings live on Costa Mesa TV (Spectrum Channel 3 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99) and Online at

Members of the public who wish to make a comment on a specific agenda item can submit comment via email to the City Council at or to the Planning Commission at

Comments will be accepted continuously during the meeting and will be read into the record up to the time limit of three minutes.   Any portion of comment not read aloud due to time restrictions will still be included in the record.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact the City Clerk at (714) 754-5225. Notification is needed at least 48 hours prior to the meeting to enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting.

Language translation services are available for this meeting by calling (714) 754-5225 at least 48 hours in advance. Habrá servicio de interpretación disponible para éstas juntas llamando al (714) 754-5225 por lo menos con 48 horas de anticipación.

The City of Costa Mesa thanks you in advance for taking all precautions to prevent spreading the COVID-19 virus.


Here are some tips to help flatten the curve and get through this COVID-19 crisis together

City staff and leadership teams continue to thank our strong community members who are actively doing their part to flatten the curve of COVID-19.

Here are some tips and informational pieces to keep in mind during this time:

While the City continues to put out timely information as it becomes available, residents looking for additional information or with questions are encouraged to contact the County of Orange Public Information Hotline at (714) 628-7085.

City staff and leadership are asking that residents be alert and vigilant against Cyber Scams. Cyber actors are using the current COVID-19 incident as an opportunity to trick possible victims into revealing sensitive information and even donating to charities that are fraudulent.

Additionally, be mindful of social engineering attacks, which occur when an attacker uses human interaction (social skills) to obtain information about a person or organization. Some precautions that you can take today include:

  • Avoid clicking on links that come from unsolicited emails
  • Use authentic and trusted sources for up-to-date information on COVID-19, inclusive of government websites, ex: gov
  • Avoid giving out personal and financial information in an email
  • Review the Federal Trade Commission’s page and verify a charity’s name before making any donations.
  • For more information on how to avoid social engineering and phishing attacks, visit:

There has been a lot of questions pertaining to the order from the California State Public Health Officer and Director of the California Department of Public Heath, that was issued on March 19. Although the order does call for California residents to stay home or at their place of residence, please note that during this time, residents are still allowed to partake in essential activities, while practicing social distancing.

Essential activities include:

  • Groceries
  • Gas
  • Banking
  • Pharmacies
  • Take-out and delivery restaurants
  • Laundry services
  • Walking your pets
  • Spending time with your kids/pets outside/going for a walk/physical exercise outdoors

Please note that residents with pets are still allowed to walk their pets and maintain that level of essential activity for their animals.

Your public safety departments, inclusive of Fire and PD have been and continue to be well-prepared for all incidents and emergencies.  Anyone with questions may call the city Hotline at (714) 754-5156 or visit the city website at:


Governor Newsom announces state stay at home order to stop spread of COVID-19

Governor Gavin Newsom announced today March 19 that the California State Public Health Officer and Director of the California Department of Public Health are ordering all individuals living in the State of California to stay home or at their place of residence except as needed to maintain continuity of operation of the federal critical infrastructure sectors.

All public safety and city workers will continue working under current circumstance during the declaration of the state emergency.

Read the full Executive Order here.

This goes into effect on Thursday, March 19, 2020. The order is in place until further notice.

Essential services will remain open such as:

  • Gas stations
  • Pharmacies
  • Food: Grocery stores, farmers markets, food banks, convenience stores, take-out and delivery restaurants
  • Banks
  • Laundromats/laundry services

CMPD to temporarily ease up enforcement of driver license renewal and vehicle registration

Starting this week, March 16, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) requested that law enforcement exercise discretion on enforcement of driver license and vehicle registration expiration dates expiring in the next 60 days, for seniors and those with underlying health conditions so they can avoid a required DMV visit.

In an effort to protect our at-risk population, the Costa Mesa Police Department will practice discretion in accordance with the DMV’s request.

This is specific to license renewals for seniors 70 years of age or older and individuals who have underlying health conditions and are required to visit a DMV office to renew.

For more information on field offices and interrupted DMV services, please visit the DMV website at and select the “Offices” icon.