Code Enforcement Officer Andy Godinez presented with City Manager Leadership Award

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison presented Code Enforcement Officer Andy  Godinez with the July City Manager Leadership Award.

 “Andy is one of the most popular Costa Mesa employees both here at City Hall and in the community,” Farrell Harrison said. “He’s a pure joy to work with and he always greets his fellow employees with a smile. His daily goal is always to serve the community and he often is able to achieve this through simple, kind and informational communication. As someone who grew up in Costa Mesa, we are fortunate to have his institutional knowledge and commitment to the City he loves. I am thrilled to be able to present him with this award.”

Godinez has been working in Costa Mesa since 2008, when he started part time in Parks & Community Services in the afterschool program at Whittier Elementary School, the same school and program he attended growing up on Costa Mesa’s Westside.

He later transferred to the Concierge Desk and worked for the City Clerk’s Office before being promoted to a full-time Code Enforcement Officer in 2018.

From day one, as a Code enforcement officer, Godinez has projected his love for this City, his home.  He has worked feverishly to learn the job.  He is extremely thorough in his approach while maintaining a balanced demeanor when dealing with the public. 

Aside from his duties as a code enforcement officer, he is often sought out by other City departments to help in community engagement meetings where he brings his home town background to make people at ease.

His intuitional knowledge as well as his community involvement has allowed him to be such a positive face forward of the City’s operations that creates a community trust that is often very difficult to achieve.  

Godinez says he enjoys working for Code Enforcement because he likes developing his community. He looks at every resident, business owner and person he encounters in Costa Mesa as his neighbor first.

It is never a dull day in Code Enforcement, from illegal marijuana dispensaries, to CUP enforcement, to hoarding conditions, to substandard living conditions, there is always something interesting to tackle. Godinez considers himself a “nerd” about Costa Mesa’s history, so researching the history of permits and developments in this city are right up his alley.

At the end of the day Godinez is happy to have an opportunity to leave a “thumbprint/huella” on the community and hopefully the service he provides makes a difference.

Godinez is a graduate of Newport Harbor High School and he met his wife Iris, who is also a lifelong Costa Mesa resident and current City employee, while working in Parks. 

Costa Mesa residents sought to serve on City Commission

The Costa Mesa City Council is currently seeking residents to apply to serve on the following City Commission:

Planning Commission: The Commission meets on the second and fourth Monday of each month and advises on planning, land use, and development matters. The Commission is the final decision-making body for certain discretionary land use approvals such as design review and conditional use permits. The Commission also functions as an advisory body to the City Council for Zoning and General Plan amendments. The City is recruiting for one member (Appointment by Council Member Marr), for a term expiration of January 2027. For further information, contact Administrative Assistant Anna Partida at (714) 754-5612.

Application Process – Residents who are interested in getting involved in local government are encouraged to complete a Committee/Commission Application Form from the City Clerk’s Office or from the City’s website ( The completed application may be submitted online; mailed to Costa Mesa City Clerk at Post Office Box 1200, Costa Mesa, California, 92628-1200; emailed to; or hand-delivered to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. 

The deadline is 5 p.m., Thursday, July 20, 2023. The appointment is tentatively scheduled for the August 1, 2023 City Council meeting. 


Street sweeping cancelled from July 4 through July 7

Due to the observation of the Independence Day Holiday on Tuesday July 4, there will be no residential street sweeping the rest of the week through Friday July 7, as Costa Mesa Sanitary District also observes this holiday pushing trash collection back one day.

This results in residential gutter lines being cluttered with trash cans making it difficult for street sweeper operators to do an efficient job. Street sweeping will resume back to normal schedule starting the week of July 10.

The following are a list of task that Clean Street’s operators will be conducting next week.

  • City wide alley street sweeping
  • Sweeping of park parking lots and other city-owned facilities
  • Accident call outs and special request.
  • Night route sweeping on all arterial streets.

For more information, residents can call the city’s street sweeping hotline at (714) 327-7471, which has been updated with this information.

Lead Maintenance Worker Andrew Lucio presented with City Manager Leadership Award

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison presented Lead Maintenance Worker Andrew Lucio with the City Manager Leadership Award for the month of June.

“Andrew sets a great example as a member of the Maintenance Services Division and our Costa Mesa team,” Farrell Harrison said. “Whenever I see him he is always smiling and exudes a great attitude. I am happy to present him with this award.”  

Lucio joined the City team in 2016 as a part-time General Aide II assigned to the Parks and Landscape Maintenance Section. Lucio was quickly promoted to a full-time Maintenance Worker in 2017 and assigned to the Graffiti Abatement team.

Lucio spent the next few years under the tutelage of Gaetano Russo, who was the Lead Maintenance Worker in Graffiti Abatement at the time. He was dedicated to learning all that he could from his mentor.

This dedication led him to be assigned as Acting Lead Maintenance Worker for the team following Gaetano’s retirement in 2021. Lucio excelled in his new role that first year and provided a nearly seamless transition. He was officially promoted to permanent status in August of 2022.  

In addition to his regular duties as the lead Graffiti Abatement team member, Lucio was instrumental this past year in assisting the section with the most recent bus stop maintenance service agreement by providing a detailed mapping system along with a Google maps location spreadsheet. 

Lucio and his team also pressure wash on a regular basis: parks and playgrounds, high-traffic sidewalks, high-traffic bus stops and fulfill additional requests as needed. 

The Graffiti team received over 6,500 graffiti-related calls, which is a 2,500 increase over the previous year.

Despite the incredible increase in workload, Lucio still comes to work each day with a smile on his face and a positive attitude that reflects how much he enjoys serving the Costa Mesa Community. Lucio can be heard regularly saying “I love my job”.

Lucio enjoys working out in the field and all the positive feedback from residents in our community. From sandblasting walls to pressure washing concrete, to color-matching building walls, no task is too tough for Lucio.

He credits his team and the community here in Costa Mesa, as the reason he calls Costa Mesa a “Home away from Home.”

Street sweeping to be cancelled during Memorial Day week

Due to the observation of the Memorial Day holiday on Monday, May 29, there will be no residential street sweeping the entire week as Costa Mesa Sanitary District also observes this holiday pushing trash collection back one day.

This results in residential gutter lines being cluttered with trash cans making it difficult for street sweeper operators to do an efficient job. Street sweeping will resume back to normal schedule starting the week of June 5. No parking citations will be issued during this time.

The following are a list of task that Clean Street’s operators will be conducting next week.

  • City wide alley street sweeping
  • Sweeping of park parking lots and other city-owned facilities
  • Accident call outs and special requests
  • Night route sweeping on all arterial streets

For more information, residents can call the city’s street sweeping hotline at (714) 327-7471, which has been updated with this information.

City of Costa Mesa Statement on state’s Southern Region Emergency Operations Center proposal at Fairview Developmental Center

The City of Costa Mesa has formally submitted comments to the State of California’s Department of General Services, regarding the State’s proposed project to revamp a portion of the Fairview Developmental Center site and turn it into a new Cal OES Southern Region Emergency Operations Center.

Click here to read the City’s response.

The preliminary project proposal would potentially include a 35,000-square-foot office building, a 20,000-square-foot warehouse, vehicle maintenance bay, a helipad and a 100-foot lattice communication tower with 20-foot tall antennas.

The City and the office of Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris were instrumental in requesting that the deadline for comments be extended until April 17 and will continue to work closely with the state and advocate on behalf of the residents of Costa Mesa.

Click here to read the comment letter from Assembly Member Petrie-Norris.

Check back on this webpage for further updates and information.

CMPD Veteran Joyce LaPointe promoted to newly created position of Deputy Police Chief

The Costa Mesa Police Department (CMPD) is proud to announce the promotion of its first female police captain in the history of the department to the newly created position of deputy police chief. Deputy Chief Joyce LaPointe, a 26-year veteran of CMPD, is now second in command and will oversee both divisions of Patrol Operations and Support Services as well as the Professional Standards Bureau.

“Deputy Chief LaPointe’s well-deserved promotion is a proud moment for our police department,” said Chief Lawrence. “Deputy Police Chief LaPointe will ensure our key philosophies of customer service and professional responsiveness to our community, businesses, and City officials. I am confident that she will work hard in this new role to secure the success of this department. One of my main duties is succession planning and I am reassured that she has the qualifications and drive to take on this role.”

On March 21, 2023, Costa Mesa City Council graciously approved the creation of a new position of deputy police chief requested by Police Chief Ronald A. Lawrence, who said, “Together, we have begun to change the culture and the trajectory of CMPD on a path to a bright future. While there are many accomplishments I am proud of in this short time, one of the many is the adding of staff necessary for us to chart a new course and achieve great things.”
“I’ve had many opportunities to work directly with Deputy Chief LaPointe since I began on City Council,” said Costa Mesa Mayor John Stephens. “She is a trusted member of the City team.  I value her many years of experience and leadership with our police department.  Deputy Chief LaPointe will excel in her new position as she has in previous roles within the department.”   
City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison also supports this historic appointment.
“Deputy Chief LaPointe is an integral part of our City team and it comes as no surprise that she was promoted to second in command at the police department,” said City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison. “I am very proud of her and this accomplishment. As the first woman to hold this high office in the history of CMPD, she is an exemplary professional to us all.”
Deputy Chief LaPointe began her career in 1997 as a police officer. She held many positions, including patrol officer, FTO, defensive tactics instructor, tactical flight officer, a traffic investigator and more. LaPointe promoted to sergeant in 2007, and held various supervisory roles including patrol sergeant, jail sergeant, FTO sergeant, force tactics team supervisor, and emergency management coordinator. 
In 2015, LaPointe promoted to police lieutenant serving on our Executive Staff, and was initially assigned as an area commander providing management oversight to a variety of special units and teams, as well as performing one of our department’s most crucial and key roles of Watch Commander. 
In 2018, LaPointe served as the telecommunications manager, where she oversaw the Police and Fire Dispatch Center, Technical Services, and special projects.   
In 2020, LaPointe was promoted to police captain to serve on the department’s Command Staff, and has been the division commander for both the Support Services Division as well as the Field Operations Division. She is an associate member of the California Police Chiefs Association, and a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police.
LaPointe earned her Bachelors Degree in Physical Education & Kinesiology from Vanguard University in Costa Mesa. She is recognized by some in the community as a past sports coach at Costa Mesa High School before starting at CMPD. Throughout her long and distinguished career in policing, she has completed several advanced law enforcement training courses including the Sherman Block Supervisory Leadership Institute, Force Science Institute Certificate Course, the Executive Development Courses for both California POST and the California Police Chiefs Association. LaPointe is a long time resident of Costa Mesa, where she lives with her spouse Linzi and their three dogs.
“I am honored to have been promoted to Deputy Chief of the Costa Mesa Police Deparment, where I grew up from police officer to captain,” said Deputy Chief LaPointe. “I thank Chief Lawrence and the City for recognizing my value and accomplishments during my 26 years here. I also thank my CMPD team for their support and warm welcome as I continue my every day efforts to help lead this wonderful police department and serve Costa Mesa, a City I live and work in. My heart is here and I’m grateful for this opportunity to keep serving my community.” 

Roxi Fyad, Public Affairs Manager
Costa Mesa Police Department

Payroll Supervisor Dolewski’s hard work pays off with City Manager Leadership Award  

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison has named Payroll Supervisor Anna Dolewski as the recipient of the latest City Manager Leadership Award.

“As a full-service City, Payroll in Costa Mesa can be a very complex operation,” City Manager Farrell Harrison said. “But with Anna in charge, I have complete confidence that everything will run smoothly. She is such a valuable member of our team and I’m honored to present her with this award.”

As the Payroll Supervisor, Dolewski provides her expertise and analytical abilities for the labor contract negotiations. Upon adoption, Dolewski  works with IT and Human Resources to ensure the labor contracts are correctly implemented in the City’s payroll system.

She is diligent, detail oriented, and is passionate about ensuring Costa Mesa’s staff are correctly compensated.  Her passion and strong work ethic are to be commended. 

During COVID, Dolewski  took the lead for Finance on setting up the payroll processes to ensure City staff could electronically track their COVID time correctly for cost recovery reporting.

She is also the lead to ensure that the COVID sick time approved by the Federal Government during the COVID shut down period is fully reimbursed. During this period of time, she successfully navigated the Internal Revenue Services inquiries related to tax submittals, proving yet again her detailed day-to-day processes and strong internal checking systems work. 

Aside from the normal bi-weekly payroll processing efforts, Dolewski  also ensures the City transmits the correct CalPERS payments, State and Federal Taxes, and all health benefit payments biweekly. She also processes W-2’s annually, a long and arduous process in the beginning of each calendar year.

She always avails herself to all City staff for any payroll-related inquiries. In fact, she makes sure to personally meet with each new employee and explain payroll.  She also meets personally with each staff member who are planning to retire.

Further, as a full-service City, with complex Police and Fire schedules, she has a thorough understanding of those safety payroll complexities, and is able to ensure that the City’s payroll system correctly captures those complex formulas.

For many years, Dolewski  was the only staff member in the payroll office for the City.  Throughout her many years in payroll, she worked with Information Technology and Human Resources staff to create specialized payroll modules to ensure that the payroll processing is fully automated; thereby reducing error and ensuring proper internal controls are in place for payroll. 

Dolewski started her career with the City of Costa Mesa over 35 years ago as a part time staff member in Central Services. She quickly promoted into the Finance Department, working her way through multiple areas within the Department. She was a Clerk Typist, Office Specialist I, Accounting Specialist I and II, Payroll Coordinator and is currently the City’s Payroll Supervisor.

She is instrumental in the daily, monthly, quarterly and annual payroll processes for the City. In fact, in 2022, she processed over 17,300 payroll checks and 780 W2s.



Alma Reyes promoted to Deputy City Manager of Costa Mesa

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison has promoted Alma Reyes to the newly created position of Deputy City Manager, moving her into a vital role at City Hall as she assists with the day-to-day management of the City. 
“Alma is a trusted and immensely talented member of my team and has worked alongside me for years to assist the City Council, manage the City Manager’s Office, assist with complex projects, and help solve constituent issues,” Farrell Harrison said. “She has accomplished a lot in her time with Costa Mesa, and I am proud to promote her into this new role, where she will have expanded responsibilities and duties. I look forward to working closely with her on our high-priority initiatives.”  
Mayor John Stephens congratulated Reyes on her appointment.
“Alma is a consummate professional who has served the City with excellence and enthusiasm for many years,” Mayor Stephens said. “There is no problem too big or small for Alma to solve. She is the ‘go to’ when we need to get stuff done. Alma will be an outstanding Deputy City Manager, and we are very fortunate to have her in that position.”  
Reyes has been the Assistant to the City Manager since 2019, managing Constituent Services, the City Manager’s department budget, key Citywide projects and City special events. She began her career with the City of Costa Mesa in January of 2011, where she began her first job as a Management Analyst for the Public Services Department. 
In April of 2013, she transferred to the Parks and Community Services Department to serve as both the Management Analyst and Recreation Supervisor. In November of 2015, Reyes moved into the Fire & Rescue Department to serve as a Management Analyst, and Chief Dan Stefano praised her passion for public service, team value orientation, and engaged professionalism.
“I have spent my formative years working for the City of Costa Mesa, with the desire to continue my career working in an organization that I have come to consider home,” Reyes said. “I am humbled and excited to take on this new role and work alongside dynamic and professional colleagues to carry out the City Council’s vision to fruition and continue to provide high-quality services and experiences for our vibrant and diverse community, businesses, and visitors. The City of Costa Mesa really is CostaMazing!”
Prior to working in Costa Mesa, Reyes worked for 10 years for the City of Hawaiian Gardens in various areas of local government including: Administration, Public Relations, Public Safety, Public Works, Recreation, Code Enforcement and Finance.
Reyes holds a Master’s Degree in Public Administration and Public Policy from California State University, Long Beach, and a Bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice and Public Administration from California State University, Fullerton.
She begins her role effective immediately. 
Tony Dodero
(714) 754-5288 

Street sweeping cancelled today Wednesday March 29

Due to the inclement weather, street sweeping has been canceled today March 29.  Street sweeping will resume back to normal schedule Thursday March 30 weather permitting.

Senior Management Analyst Kristin Stevens presented with City Manager Leadership Award

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison presented Fire & Rescue Senior Management Analyst Kristin Stevens with the City Manager Leadership Award.

“Kristin has a wide range of skills and talents and is always willing to step up wherever she is needed,” Farrell Harrison said. “Her positive disposition, thoughtful intelligence, and outstanding work ethic are just a few of the many attributes that she shares every day. I’m proud to present her with this award.”

In 2015, Stevens began working for the City of Costa Mesa as a Part-Time Management Analyst in the City Manager’s office where she was a key member of the communications and marketing team.

In 2018, Stevens accepted a full-time Management Analyst position with Costa Mesa Fire & Rescue (CMFR).

During her tenure with CMFR, Stevens has been an active member with several notable achievements and accomplishments.

In 2018, she was tasked as the department’s lead in creating and compiling the Department’s first comprehensive CMFR Annual Report and continues to do so every year-end. She strengthened the CMFR brand and social media presence within the community, and oversees the ambulance operator cost recovery revenue program.

As the management analyst, Stevens is involved in every aspect of our annual budget.

If that’s not enough, Stevens also serves as a member of the City’s PIO team and events/planning team. Lastly, she completed the Leadership Tomorrow program in 2020.

Chief Stefano has recognized Stevens as one of the highest performers in multiple areas for the CMFR and the city, always willing to embrace the value of taking things from good to great!

She attended Saddleback College where she earned her Associates of Arts degree. In 2010, she earned her Bachelors of Arts in Communications degree from California State University Fullerton, and in 2015, she completed her Masters of Public Administration degree from California State University San Bernardino.

While working toward her goal of higher education, Stevens worked as an intern for TMZ, and eventually for the Orange County District Attorney’s office. Stevens worked for the City of Huntington Beach as a Public Aide in the Public Information office.




CMPD veteran Dianne Gonzalez receives City Manager Leadership Award

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison announced that Police Department Community Services Specialist Dianne Gonzalez is the recipient of the City Manager Leadership Award for the month of February.

“Dianne was recently promoted to a new role in the Special Investigations Unit where she has excelled at her job,” Farrell Harrison said. “She works diligently to not only make the unit run as efficiently as possible but through her work she also makes the police department, and the City better. I’m grateful she is on our team.”

Gonzalez initially worked for the Costa Mesa Police Department (CMPD) from 1987 to 1991 as a Police Records Technician and a Community Service Officer. In 1991, she went to work as a Police Dispatcher for Irvine Police Department after receiving her Dispatcher certification. She then went to work in the private sector as an Executive Assistant from 1992 to 2006, and returned to CMPD in December 2006 as a Police Records Technician.

Nine years later, in August 2015, Gonzalez promoted to Senior Police Records Technician. As a veteran Senior Records Technician, she was relied upon to train personnel and help organize the yearly case files. In the Records Bureau, she was known to be extremely knowledgeable and experienced, as well as courteous and friendly.

In March 2022, Gonzalez promoted to Community Services Specialist (CSS) and was assigned to the Investigative Services Bureau’s Special Investigations Unit (SIU). In just a year, she has become an invaluable member of the SIU team.

She assists the sergeant and investigators on a daily basis with tasks, including creating and processing criminal court cases into the Electronic Direction for Complaint System (EDC) and preparing court packages for the Orange County District Attorney’s Office and City Attorney.

She assists by performing various record checks on vehicles, criminal histories, address locations, and countless Record Management Systems/COP Link searches for investigators, who are often in the field.  Her efforts have been a great help in identifying suspects and locations during surveillances and undercover operations.

Gonzalez handles the registration and permitting pertaining to all license massage establishments and therapists within the City of Costa Mesa.  She has been able to identify issues with licensed or unlicensed establishments quickly to efficiently address the situation. She has streamlined the owner and therapist permitting process, resulting in a shortened process from two months to two weeks.  A number of business owners and massage therapists have expressed their appreciation for her efforts to expedite the process.

Gonzalez regularly communicates with the Costa Mesa Business Licensing in the Finance Department and the California Massage Therapy Council to advise on issues that are discovered.

With the recent approval of Measure Q, SIU became responsible for assisting the Planning Department with marijuana dispensary applicants DOJ/FBI fingerprint live-scan. In this process, Gonzalez reviewed each applicant to ensure they met requirements and have no violating convictions.

Gonzalez is a longtime resident of Costa Mesa and an Estancia High School alumnus. She also attended Goldenwest College, where she received a POST Dispatch Certificate.