The City is requesting your feedback on how to best assist local families and individuals experiencing or at risk of homelessness with HOME-ARP funds

A portion of the funds from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP) has been allocated to Costa Mesa and other cities that receive HOME funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.

The HOME-ARP Program must primarily benefit qualifying individuals and families who are homeless, at risk of homelessness or in other vulnerable populations.

HCD administers this one-time HOME-ARP Allocation. For more information go to the City’s website here.

To provide feedback to the City on how best to use these funds, please complete a short survey.

For English survey click here.

For Spanish survey click here.

Costa Mesa Receives $10 Million from Senator Dave Min For Historic Investment in City Parks and Open Space

Senator Dave Min (D-Irvine) announced today that Governor Newsom has signed the 2022-23 State Budget into law, securing the largest ever direct appropriation to the City of Costa Mesa of $10 million for historic investments in the City’s parks and open space.

“This is a great example of a State representative responding directly to the needs of his constituents,” Mayor John Stephens said. “Recently, Senator Min worked to get the Sustainability Decathlon in Costa Mesa. Now, his efforts to champion park equity in his district is a continuation of his unprecedented commitment to local support. We are very grateful for this funding and will put it to great use for the community’s benefit.”

The $10 million in State funding for the City of Costa Mesa will be used to make extensive upgrades at multiple popular parks and widely used open space venues including the Jack Hammett Sports Complex; TeWinkle Athletic Complex; Fairview Park; and Shalimar Park, an actively used park on the City’s Westside.

“I’m so grateful to my colleagues and the Governor for prioritizing the City of Costa Mesa’s needs in this year’s budget,” said Senator Min. “This $10 million investment will create new open spaces and provide significant improvements to existing parks. As we learned during the pandemic, access to the outdoors is so important for all Californians. These funds will help to improve quality of life for Costa Mesa families now and for generations to come.”

The landmark funding allows for a citywide overhaul of key projects aimed at improving access to open space and recreational amenities throughout Costa Mesa, including the expansion of Shalimar Park, where open space is scarce.

The State funding will help restore the Fairview Park bluffs and 30 acres of rapidly eroding cliffs and approximately 35 acres of upper mesa grasslands. Fairview Park is the City’s largest park and a regional jewel, hosting 195 acres of open space – natural area, and 13 acres of manicured landscape for a total of 208 acres. Within the 195 acres of open space there are two Nationally Registered Cultural Resource Historic Sites and five distinct habitat ecosystems which are home to many rare and endangered plant and animal species.

The funds will upgrade the athletic fields at both the Jack Hammett and TeWinkle sports facilities with LED lighting to increase total playable hours for physical fitness, recreational and competitive sports. Both parks are used extensively by youth and adult athletic programs and new LED lighting will improve environmental sustainability and increase the use of those facilities after hours.

Further, the funds will also be used for expansion and improvements to Shalimar Park, a heavily used neighborhood park on the Westside that will greatly benefit from the improved recreational opportunities.

For more information on Senator Min’s $31.75 million investment into projects in District 37, which includes the City of Costa Mesa, please click here.

Tony Dodero
(714) 754-5288

Street sweeping cancelled for week of July 4 holiday

Due to the observation of the Independence Day Holiday on Monday July 4, there will be no residential street sweeping the entire week through Friday July 8, as Costa Mesa Sanitary District also observes this holiday pushing trash collection back one day.

This results in residential gutter lines being cluttered with trash cans making it difficult for street sweeper operators to do an efficient job. Street sweeping will resume back to normal schedule starting the week of July 11.

The following are a list of task that Clean Street’s operators will be conducting next week.

  1. City wide alley street sweeping
  2. Sweeping of park parking lots and other city-owned facilities
  3. Accident call outs and special request.
  4. Night route sweeping on all arterial streets.

For more information, residents can call the city’s street sweeping hotline at (714) 327-7471, which has been updated with this information.

Officer Tu is presented with the City Manager Leadership Award for June

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison presented the City Manager Leadership Award Winner the month of June to Police Officer Kenneth Tu.

“Officer Tu has consistently demonstrated the highest level and proficiency in his crime-fighting efforts,” Farrell Harrison said. “I’m grateful for all the dedicated officers in our Police Department and am happy to present this award to Officer Tu for his bravery and exemplary work.”

In 2021, Officer Tu located and seized three guns, a large quantity of drugs in a sales case, conducted thorough interviews, and completed investigations that rarely required any follow-up.

He was directly responsible for the arrest of a catalytic converter thief, a suspect stealing tools from a vehicle, a residential burglar, and multiple felony assault suspects.

Officer Tu embraces a leadership role amongst his peers and shares his knowledge and expertise while never hesitating to jump into action and forcing entry into a burning hotel room to rescue the arson suspect, forcing entry into several buildings to provide life-saving measures to victims, engaging in foot pursuits, and tackling and arresting felons.

Officer Kenneth Tu joined the Costa Mesa Police Department in June of 2019 as a lateral transfer from the Berkeley Police Department, where he worked as a police officer since 2007.

His last assignment at the Berkeley Police Department was as a Property Crimes Detective.

Officer Tu graduated from UCLA in 2004 with a Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering.

Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris presents Costa Mesa with $2.5 million for new Fire & Rescue Regional Training Center

On Friday June 3, Assembly Member Cottie Petrie-Norris presented a $2.5 million check to City officials to rebuild Costa Mesa Fire & Rescue’s Station 4 and training tower into a state-of-the-art Regional Training Facility.

Mayor John Stephens, Council Member Arlis Reynolds, City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison and Chief Dan Stefano formally accepted the funds that will be used to rebuild, remodel, and upgrade the Station 4 training facility.

“Emergency preparedness is one of my top priorities,” said Assemblywoman Cottie Petrie-Norris. “I am thrilled to announce that, as part of the 2021-2022 State budget, I secured $2.5 million for a new Costa Mesa Regional Fire and Rescue Training Facility. Upgrading this facility will help our first responders better serve Costa Mesa, fight fires and keep our communities safe.”

The existing building is 55 years old. The new building and training grounds will also be used by neighboring cities and agencies, hence improving the region’s preparedness to address natural disasters while leading to a more resilient and collaborative fire service.

“This approved state funding will substantially upgrade our firefighter training center,” Mayor John Stephens said. “This couldn’t come at a better time. With wildfires increasing in numbers and intensity, our fire crews frequently provide mutual aid throughout California and other states. They deserve the absolute best training facilities. I’m grateful for the advocacy and hard work of Assembly Member Petrie-Norris. Such State support for Costa Mesa’s public safety infrastructure is unprecedented.”

Costa Mesa Fire & Rescue Chief Dan Stefano acknowledged the extraordinary efforts by Assembly Member Petrie-Norris to support public safety.

“This is a historic moment in time for us as we realize our dream of a new, state-of-the-art Costa Mesa Fire & Rescue Regional Training Facility to completely replace and enhance our existing 55-year old training tower,” Chief Stefano said. This new ‘all-hazard, all-risk’ asset will not only serve Costa Mesa, but will also serve as an important public safety resource for our entire region. We are incredibly grateful to Assemblywoman Petrie-Norris for her leadership and valued partnership, advocating for us in Sacramento and remaining diligently focused to bring state funding directly to local government and not wavering to place the highest priority on public safety.”

The new facility bridges the gap between fire dynamics knowledge and the utilization of training building and props for hands-on fire and rescue training.

The project will use locally sourced and environmentally friendly products and materials.
One of the facets that will be incorporated includes water reclamation elements that will also be added to enhance the recovery of water that is utilized as part of training exercises. The reclamation elements will be utilized to significantly reduce water waste and provide a sustainable training option during times of drought and water conservation.

The building and training grounds will also include upgrades to the existing lighting to include energy-efficient fixtures (LEDs) and will include natural light levels. Future upgrades will incorporate elements of solar-powered backup energy to be used in case of a power outage.

Additionally, low-flow faucets and other features will be installed to promote water efficiency and conservation and will include native and drought-resistant landscapes.

Climate change and the drought conditions continue to worsen, and extreme heat incidents become more frequent and severe. More than 40 percent of Orange County is designated as a Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone as assessed by CalFire. The City of Costa Mesa and Orange County would greatly benefit from these upgraded facilities to manage increased demand and mitigate wildfire risk during these events.

Street sweeping cancelled for Memorial Day week

Due to the observation of the Memorial Day holiday on Monday May 30, there will be no residential street sweeping the entire week as Costa Mesa Sanitary District also observes this holiday pushing trash collection back one day.

This results in residential gutter lines being cluttered with trash cans making it difficult for street sweeper operators to do an efficient job. Street sweeping will resume back to normal schedule starting the week of June 6.

The following are a list of task that Clean Street’s operators will be conducting next week.

  1. City wide alley street sweeping
  2. Sweeping of park parking lots and other city-owned facilities
  3. Accident call outs and special request.
  4. Night route sweeping on all arterial streets.

For more information, residents can call the city’s street sweeping hotline at (714) 327-7471, which has been updated with this information.

Applications For Independence Day Block Party Street Closure Requests Due June 13

Applications for Costa Mesa residents who would like to request a street closure to throw a block party on Independence Day are due by Thursday, June 13.

The application packets are available online or can be requested by phone at 714-754-5300. The packets include instructions and rules and regulations governing Fourth of July block parties. Applicants will also need to show proof of liability insurance for the event.

The completed applications must be submitted by 5 p.m. on Thursday June 13.

To obtain an online application package, visit the City’s website here.

For phone requests, please contact City Hall at (714) 754-5300 or via email at

Completed applications can be mailed Attn. Block Parties, to PO Box 1200, Costa Mesa, 92628 or delivered in person Monday through Thursday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to the Parks & Community Services office on the third floor of City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, 92628.

Maintenance Supervisor Juan Santos receives City Manager Leadership Award

City Manager Lori Ann Farrell Harrison presented Maintenance Supervisor Juan Santos with the City Manager Leadership Award for the month of April at the monthly employee Meet and Greet event.

“Juan is an exemplary member of our Public Services team,” Farrell Harrison said. “Whether it’s nights, weekends or holidays, he consistently mobilizes his team and the resources at his disposal to assist or address any situation within the City, regardless of whether it is a street, tree, or traffic issue; and does so with a positive attitude that resonates with his team and colleagues. I’m pleased to be able to honor Juan for his hard work and dedication to our community.”

As Maintenance Supervisor, he currently oversees the City’s street and sidewalk maintenance, street sweeping, street signs and markings, storm drains and graffiti abatement sections.

Santos exemplifies “Public Service” and “Team Work” in his everyday demeanor.  From assisting with Snoopy House, Earth Day and other special events to his response to daily maintenance issues and emergency situations during wind and rain events, he is always willing and eager to assist in any way he can. When asked to tackle a new project, his usual response, without hesitation, is “we can do that” or “we will take care of that.”

Santos left the City of Long Beach Gas Department to join the City of Costa Mesa in 2001.

He started as a part-time General Aide in Facilities and subsequently hired full time as a Maintenance Worker in 2007, assigned to the Street Section of the Division.

Santos was quickly promoted to Senior Maintenance worker a few months later.  Santos was promoted to Lead Maintenance Worker in 2009 and to Maintenance Supervisor of the Street Maintenance Section in 2018.

Public Service runs in his family.  Alexa, his wife of 34 years, has worked for the City of Garden Grove almost as long as they have been married.  His oldest daughter, Jackie, works for the Orange County Sanitation District and his middle daughter, Olivia, works for Riverside County Police and Fire Dispatch.

New Point in Time Count shows 20 percent less unsheltered homeless individuals in Costa Mesa

Based on numbers released Wednesday May 11 by the County of Orange, Costa Mesa’s extensive measures to reduce homelessness are paying dividends as the number of unsheltered homeless people living in Costa Mesa dropped by 20 percent, compared to the previous count performed in 2019.

“This is fantastic news,” Mayor John Stephens said. “I’m grateful to City staff and Mercy House for their heroic work of housing so many people despite the obstacles posed by the pandemic. Since the 2019 count, we have permanently housed a total of 215 individuals, and a Federal court order allows us to enforce laws against camping in our public spaces. Through the hard work of many and the Council’s decisive actions, we are in a much better place than we were three years ago.”

The Point in Time Count by the County of Orange is conducted biennially to determine the number of people experiencing homelessness on a given night. While the last count took place in 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic pushed the 2021 count to February 22, 2022 through February 24, 2022.

Costa Mesa Outreach staff and members of the City’s Network for Homeless Solutions assisted with the count, which provides vital information that helps the City better understand homelessness and helps guide the City’s provision of services.

The positive results are attributed to several factors. First, the City Council’s will to address homelessness by creating a temporary 50-bed Bridge Shelter in April of 2019, followed by the completion of the 72-bed permanent Bridge Shelter that opened in April of 2021 on Airway Avenue.

Costa Mesa partnered with the City of Newport Beach on the permanent shelter for a more regional approach to address homelessness. “The partnership with Newport beach has been exceptional as they work with our street outreach, volunteer and housing efforts,” Assistant City Manager Susan Price said.

In addition, since 2013 the City’s Network for Homeless Solutions has developed a comprehensive response to homelessness, including street outreach, community policing, nuisance abatement, intensive case management, housing navigation and sustainability, rental assistance, workforce development, affordable/supportive housing and much more.

The Network for Homeless Solutions is a collaborative effort between multiple City departments, Mercy House and other nonprofits and faith-based organizations such as Trellis and the Lighthouse Church.

Since opening its doors in April of 2021, the permanent Bridge Shelter has assisted a total of 204 individuals with shelter and associated services, 33 of whom ended their homelessness by securing permanent housing.

To view the County of Orange’s Point in Time Count click here.

Still time to volunteer for Love Costa Mesa event this Saturday May 14

The City of Costa Mesa is partnering with Love Costa Mesa to hold the fifth annual City-Wide Serve Day on Saturday, May 14, where volunteers will participate in projects across the city serving the homeless community, providing practical needs to foster children, beautifying community parks, and much more.

For those who are interested in volunteering, please visit this website to sign up for a project.

“We are so fortunate to have this dedicated group of volunteers who love Costa Mesa and want to make us better,” Mayor John Stephens said. “I am honored to be a part of this effort and look forward to lending my hand to the many worthwhile improvement projects that we plan to tackle that day.”

Costa Mesa City staff volunteers will paint, clean up, plant and perform restoration work on more than a dozen projects throughout the city. Locations include  Ketchum Libolt, Moon, Fairview, Canyon, Balearic, Wakeham, TeWinkle, Wilson and Del Mesa parks. They will also do general cleanup along 19th Street from Harbor Boulevard to the western City limit.

The Love Costa Mesa event begins at City Hall with an 8 a.m. rally where Mayor Stephens will be on hand to help start the day’s activities. Volunteers will be treated to a breakfast between 8 a.m. to 9 a.m.

When the rally ends, volunteers will head out to work on their projects from 9 a.m. to 12 noon and then return to Costa Mesa for a lunch. The breakfast and lunch will be sponsored by local restaurants, which are Decanso, Newport Rib Co., Dave’s Hot Chicken, El Ranchito, Chick-fil-A and Miguel’s Jr.

Love Costa Mesa, which is led by a team of pastors from numerous congregations in the city, is an arm of the local faith-based nonprofit Trellis, a key City partner in the effort to aid those experiencing homelessness.


Costa Mesa receives $10.7 million from State and County agencies to convert local motel to affordable housing

The City is pleased to announce the California Department of Housing and Community Development has awarded the County of Orange approximately $10.7 million in Project Homekey funds to convert one of Costa Mesa’s motels into permanent supportive housing for those experiencing homelessness.

“Costa Mesa is already a leader when it comes to addressing homelessness through our Bridge Shelter,” Mayor John Stephens said. “This new project takes those efforts to the next level. To get 88 units of permanent supportive housing is a game changer in our efforts to eliminate homelessness in Costa Mesa. I’m grateful to Supervisor Foley and the county team for working with our City staff to secure this important funding.”

Mayor Pro-Tem Andrea Marr, who represents District 3, where the motel project resides, also expressed her gratitude for the funding.

“We are grateful for the County’s support while we work with motel operators in Costa Mesa,” Marr said. “Providing a full-range of housing opportunities is a priority for our City; Project Homekey will allow us to serve Costa Mesans in great need of housing.”

This project achieves one of the City Council’s five Strategic Goals to “Diversify, Stabilize and Increase Housing to Reflect Community Needs” by exploring opportunities for potential motel conversions.

The money received from Project Homekey will be used to convert the Motel 6 at 2274 Newport Blvd. into 88 units of affordable housing.  These units will serve individuals experiencing homelessness who have been impacted by COVID-19, individuals with mental health conditions, veterans, and seniors.

In addition to the money received from the State, Costa Mesa is contributing $2 million in local matching funds for the project, along with the County of Orange, which is also providing $2 million towards construction of the project.

“I would like to thank our City Council for their leadership and vision.  I would also like to thank the County Board of Supervisors, including District 5 Representative, Lisa Bartlett, and Chairman Chaffee specifically for their partnership and support,” said Assistant City Manager Susan Price, the lead staff person at the City of Costa Mesa for the project.

Project Homekey is administered by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) with approximately $1.4 billion (FY 2021-22) in grant funding made available to local public entities, including cities, counties, or other local public entities, such as housing authorities or Tribal Entities within California.

Homekey is an opportunity for state, regional, and local public entities to develop a broad range of housing types, including but not limited to hotels, motels, hostels, single- family homes and multifamily apartments, adult residential facilities, and manufactured housing, and to convert commercial properties and other existing buildings to permanent or interim housing.

Costa Mesa Opens New Protected Bike Lanes on Bristol Street, Enhances Existing Bike Lanes on Baker Street

Costa Mesa Public Services staff recently celebrated the installation of the final touches for a second protected bike lane in the City.

The new protected bike lane extends half of a mile along Bristol Street from Randolph Avenue in the Sobeca District to northbound Newport Boulevard. The project was implemented as part of a larger citywide resurfacing project and comes on the heels of the opening of the Merrimac Way Active Transportation Project with protected bike lanes last year.

The new Bristol Street active transportation improvements connect to existing bike lanes on Newport Boulevard, further expanding the City’s growing bicycle network. Protected bike lanes provide a separation between bicycle riders and vehicles which includes a painted bicycle lane buffer, plastic flexible bollards, and other pavement markings.

City staff are designing and implementing these active transportation facilities to provide a low-stress mobility option for residents and visitors to reach their destination by bicycle. The new Bristol Street facility is the fourth of its kind implemented in Orange County.

In addition to the development of protected bike lanes, the City continues to make additional enhancements to its growing bicycle network. In February, a striped buffer and green paint conflict area striping were added to existing bike lanes on Baker Street.

That facility was extended an additional half mile from west of Harbor Boulevard to Mesa Verde Drive East. The enhanced Baker Street bicycle facility is designed to increase comfort of people riding bicycles and improve mobility and connectivity.