City Clerk’s Office finishes work on busy November ballot


Last week the City Clerk’s Office concluded work on an unprecedented eight measures for placement on the Nov. 8 ballot. In addition to the eight measures, the City Clerk’s Office also filed the appropriate paperwork for the seven City Council candidates who will be running for three seats in November.

The stacks of papers that include council resolutions and other legal documents were delivered to the Orange County Registrar of Voters by Friday Aug. 12, which was the deadline for cities, school districts, special districts, and other jurisdictions to decide if they wanted to place a measure or item on the ballot.

Preparing ballot measures is a detailed legal process that must follow both the election and government code. In this case, the process for the Costa Mesa City Clerk’s Office began in spring of 2014 when two medical marijuana petitions were filed and then two more citizen-led petitions filed in 2015 and 2016.

The ROV announced it had 33 measures, a record number for a general election. In comparison the state has only 17 propositions. It is believed that Costa Mesa’s eight measures may be a first and a record for the county.

Any member of the public who is interested in reading more details about the city measures or candidates is invited to visit the City Clerk’s Office on the first floor of City Hall or at the city website and City Election page here or by calling the office at 714-754-5225.

The City Clerk’s office also has voter registration forms available for those not yet registered to vote.

Register to vote

Below are the alphabetical designation and titles of the eight city measures:

  • V Allow Operation of up to Eight Medical Marijuana (Cannabis) Businesses in the City of Costa Mesa
  • W Allow Operation of up to Four Licensed Medical Marijuana Businesses in the City of Costa Mesa
  • X The City of Costa Mesa Medical Marijuana Measure
  • Y An Initiative To Require Voter Approval On Certain Development Projects
  • Z Measure for Sensible Community Development and Development-Funded Open Space and Recreation
  • AA An Initiative Requiring Changes in Use at Fairview Park be Subject to Voter Approval
  • BB Costa Mesa Measure Prohibiting Athletic Fields at Fairview Park
  • EE Voter Districts Formation


Below are the names and titles of the seven candidates in the order they will appear on the ballot:

  • John Stephens- Attorney/Business Owner
  • Lee Ramos- Commissioner/Retired Businessman
  • Jay Humphrey- Retired Businessman
  • Sandra L. “Sandy” Genis- Land Planner/Councilwoman
  • Steve Mensinger- Mayor/Businessman
  • Al Melone- Retired CPA
  • Allan R. Mansoor- Retired Deputy Sheriff