Costa Mesa Residents Sought to Serve on City Committees


The Costa Mesa City Council is currently seeking residents to serve on the following City Committees:

Animal Services Committee: The Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 5:30 p.m. except for August and December and provides advice and recommendations to the City Council on animal services issues and to promote pet licensing, assist with planning and execution of animal-related events. The City is recruiting for three members (Appointments by Mayor Pro Tem Chavez, Council Member Reynolds, and Council Member Marr), each for a term expiration of April 2027. For further information, contact Animal Services Coordinator Jessica Torrejon at (714) 754-5128 or visit

Active Transportation Committee: The Committee meets on the first Wednesday of the month and helps plan and implement an Active Transportation network for the City by improving bicycle and pedestrian connectivity throughout the City, and also assists with the review, update and implementation of the city’s Active Transportation Plan. The City is recruiting for three members (Appointments by Mayor Pro Tem Chavez, Council Member Reynolds, and Council Member Marr), each for a term expiration of April 2027. For further information, contact Active Transportation Coordinator Brett Atencio Thomas at (714) 754-5275 or visit

Fairview Park Steering Committee: The Committee meets on the second Wednesday of every other month and evaluates the Fairview Park Master Plan, evaluates park enhancement opportunities that are compliant with Measure AA, and makes recommendations to the Parks and Community Services Commission and the City Council. The City is recruiting for three members (Appointments by Council Member Buley, Council Member Gameros, and Council Member Pettis), each for a term expiration of April 2029 and for one member (Appointment by Mayor Stephens) for a term expiration of April 2027. For further information, contact Fairview Park Administrator Kelly Dalton at (714) 754-5135 or visit

Finance and Pension Advisory Committee: The Committee meets on the second Wednesday of the month and provides advice to the City Council on issues related to significant financial matters and advises annually on the adoption of the City’s budget, the allocation of any budget surpluses, and the City’s investment performance and policies. The City is recruiting for one (1) member (Appointment by Council Member Buley) for a term expiration of April 2028. Applicants shall have pension knowledge or shall be residents or individuals that conduct business within the City and have a background that includes experience in securities trading, financial planning, banking, auditing, accounting, or a closely related and relevant field. For further information, contact Executive Assistant Dina Wild at (714) 754-5243 or visit

Housing and Public Service Grants Committee: The committee meets twice a year and helps to promote understanding of the community development process and activities funded by the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) and Community Development Block Grants (CDBG). Additionally, the committee rates and ranks applications for CDBG public service grants, ultimately developing funding recommendations for City Council recommendations. The City is recruiting for three (3) members (Appointments by Mayor Pro Tem Chavez, Council Member Reynolds, and Council Member Marr), each for a term expiration of April 2027 and for one (1) member (Appointment by Council Member Buley) for a term expiration of April 2026. For further information, contact Grant Administrator Mikelle Daily at (714) 754-5678 or visit

Traffic Impact Fee Ad Hoc Committee: The Committee meets on an as needed basis and the purpose of the Committee is to fund the necessary transportation/circulation improvements, which are related directly to the incremental traffic impacts imposed on the City’s transportation system by the development of new and/or changing commercial, industrial, and residential uses as permitted by the General Plan. The traffic impact fee committee assists staff on all aspects related to the updating and revision of traffic impact fees. The City is recruiting for four (4) members with a term expiration of April 2029; one (1) Major Developers’ Representative, one (1) Small Developers’ Representative and two (2) At-large positions. For further information, contact Public Works Director Raja Sethuraman at (714) 754-5343 or visit  

Application Process – Residents who are interested in getting involved in local government are encouraged to complete a Committee Application Form from the City Clerk’s Office or from the City’s website ( The completed application may be submitted online; mailed to Costa Mesa City Clerk at Post Office Box 1200, Costa Mesa, California, 92628-1200; emailed to; or hand-delivered to the City Clerk’s Office at City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. The deadline is 5 p.m., Friday, March, 21, 2025. The appointments are tentatively scheduled for the April 1, 2025 City Council meeting. 

Tony Dodero
(714) 754-5288