State declares hair salons, barbershops and places of worship can now open with restrictions

The California Department of Public Health has announced that counties, including Orange County, that have met the criteria to reopen hair salons and barbershops can now do so with safety measures such as mandatory face coverings for stylists and clients.

Additionally, the health department announced the statewide reopening of places of worship for religious services with strict guidelines.

According to the state, to reopen, salons and barbers must:

  • Implement measures to ensure physical distancing of at least six feet between and among workers and customers, except when providing haircutting and other close contact services.
  • Provide temperature and/or symptom screenings for all workers at the beginning of their shift and any vendors, contractors, or other workers entering the establishment.
  • Encourage workers and customers who are sick or exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 to stay home.
  • Screen customers upon arrival and be prepared to cancel or reschedule customers who indicate they have any signs of illness.
  • Require workers and customers to use face coverings during the entire haircutting and other close contact hair services.

Click here for the full guidance on barbershops and hair salons.

According to the state, to reopen for religious services and funerals, places of worship must:

  • Establish and implement a COVID-19 prevention plan for every location, train staff on the plan, and regularly evaluate workplaces for compliance.
  • Train employees and volunteers on COVID-19, including how to prevent it from spreading and which underlying health conditions may make individuals more susceptible to contracting the virus.
  • Implement cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
  • Set physical distancing guidelines.
  • Recommend that staff and guests wear cloth face coverings, and screen staff for temperature and symptoms at the beginning of their shifts.
  • Set parameters around or consider eliminating singing and group recitations. These activities dramatically increase the risk of COVID-19 transmission. For this reason, congregants engaging in singing, particularly in the choir, and group recitation should wear face coverings at all times and when possible, these activities should be conducted outside with greater than 6-foot distancing.

Click here for the full guidance on places of worship.